The Victor Hammer Society was established by a group of friends dedicated to the promotion, study and appreciation of the legacy of artist Victor Karl Hammer. We hope it becomes a place of discovery for those who are not yet familiar with the work of a man known mostly to his patrons, their heirs and his students. The content of this site represents the labors, primarily, of Dr. James D. Birchfield and his wife Martha F. Birchfield. This scholarship also owes a debt to Dr. Paul Evans Holbrook who has been a mainstay of the Hammer Estate. W. Gay Reading, whose aunt was Hammer's second wife and collaborator, can serve as the contact person for those who find interest in this online venue.
The Society would most appreciate it if anyone having information about Hammer or the rights to images of his works would contact and share with us.
Please visit the Victor Hammer WIKIPEDIA page where you will find a good overview of his life and works
along with important links for research.

Hammer Merton Book
This new work was published in 2014 by the University Press of Kentucky.
The dialogue on art between the two men is of particular interest.
The Society will keep those interested in events such as this publication notified.

